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Space law - Subject guide
Key Resources for Space Law Research
Space Law Treaties & Principles
The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) maintains this gateway page from which you can view the full texts of the five UN treaties on outer space, current status and ratification information, and drafting histories.
The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) maintains this gateway page from which you can view the full texts of the five UN treaties on outer space, current status and ratification information, and drafting histories.
National Space Law Collection
UNOOSA also maintains this directory of national legislation and regulations pertaining to the exploration and use of outer space enacted in more than two dozen jurisdictions, including the U.S. English translations of laws from non-English speaking jurisdictions are provided, if available.
UNOOSA also maintains this directory of national legislation and regulations pertaining to the exploration and use of outer space enacted in more than two dozen jurisdictions, including the U.S. English translations of laws from non-English speaking jurisdictions are provided, if available.
Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) (on-campus access only)
Recommended Books
Call number - Position of books on the shelves
KZD1145 - KZD4406
Diederiks-Vershoor, I.H. and Kopal, V., 2008. An introduction to space law. Wolter Kluwer Law and Business.
Dunk, F. von der, Tronchetti, F., 2015. Handbook of Space Law, Cheltenham,UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jakhu, R. S. and Pelton, J. N. (eds), 2017. An international study on global governance. New York: Springer.
Jakhu, R.S. and Dempsey, P.S., 2017. Routledge handbook of space law. New York: Routledge.
Lyall, F. and Larsen, P.B., 2018. Space law: a treatise. London: Routledge.
Masson-Zwaan, T. L., 2019. Introduction to space law. Austin: Wolters Kluwer.
Soucek, A., 2015. Space law essentials: textbook. vol. 1. Vienna: Linde.
Selected In-Depth & Specialized Resources
Bergamasco, F., Cassar, R. and Popova, R., 2020. Cybersecurity : key legal considerations for the aviation and space sector. Kluwer Law International.
Carminati, M.-Z., 2019. What does risk mean in this new "risky space business"?: managing liability exposure for injuries to crew and passengers resulting from US commercial space activities. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.
Froeehlich, A., 2019. Legal aspects around satellite constellations. Wien New York: Springer.
Harrington, A. J., 2021. Space insurance and the law: maximising private activities in outer space. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leepuengtham, T., 2017. The protection of intellectual property rights in outer space activities. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mejia-Kaiser, M., 2020. The geostationary ring: practice and law. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.
Stubbe, P., 2018. State accountability for space debris: a legal study of responsibility for polluting the space environment and liability for damage caused by space debris. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Wouters, J., De Man, Philip and Hansen, R., 2017. Commercial uses of space and space tourism: legal and policy aspects. Edgard Elgar Publishing.
Zannoni, D., 2019. Disaster management and international space law. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.
Journal Articles
Journal articles can be an excellent source for researching narrower, more specialized legal topics. Articles published in law journals include extensive footnotes with citations to primary and secondary sources that are relevant to the topic. Journal indexes are a good tool for conducting journal article research. They include bibliographic information about an article, such as the title, the name of the author, and the name of the journal, as well as one or more subject descriptors.
Journal indexes and databases are a good tool for conducting journal article research. They include bibliographic information about an article, such as the title, the name of the author, and the name of the journal, as well as one or more subject descriptors.
- Base: Bielefield Academic search engine
BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 240 million documents from more than 8,000 content providers. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free - EBSCO Discovery Service
This database is an online research tool that "pulls together" many external space-related and multidisciplinary sources so that they can be explorer using a single search box. - ScienceDirect
Publications and journals of Elsevier. Covers science, earth sciences, materials sciences, mathematics, physics and astronomy - SpringerLink
- Web of Science
Web Of Science is a citation index that provides a comprehensive citation search. It gives access to multiple databases that reference cross-disciplinary research, which allows for in-depth exploration of specialized sub-fields within an academic or scientific discipline. (On-campus access) - Wiley Online Library
Articles, journals and books published by Wiley across a variety of disciplines - WorldCat
WorldCat connects you to the collections of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide. You can search for books, reports, article citations, and resources from the internet.
Specialized databases
Selected Journals and Series Focusing on Space Law
Advanced space law
Air & space law, available in print from 1995-2002
Air & space lawyer
Annals of air and space law, available in print from 1991-2002
Air & space law, available in print from 1995-2002
Air & space lawyer
Annals of air and space law, available in print from 1991-2002
German journal of air & space Law
Journal of space law, available in print from 1995-2013
Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law
Journal of space law, available in print from 1995-2013
Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law
Useful Links
IDEST - Institut du Droit, Espaces et Technologies
Institute of air law, space law and cyber law (University of Cologne)
Institute of air law, space law and cyber law (University of Cologne)