Citation alerts
Citations are used in measuring research impact and it is sometimes useful to be alerted when someone cites a particular article.
This type of alert utilizes databases that have a citation search function, ie they allow you to see who is citing a particular article. Sometimes an additional login will be required, either before
setting up an alert or as part of the process.
- Google Scholar
Search for the title of a paper. Click on the "Cited by" link at the bottom of the search result. Click on the envelope icon in the left sidebar of the search results page. - Current Contents Connect (in Web of Science)
Perform a search. When viewing a full record, click the create citation alert button. (Note: not all Full Records in all Web of Science databases will have this button - read the database Help pages for more information).
ISU students you have to sign in to UNISTRA libraries with your UNISTRA ID.