Title: | A new vision: the future of ISS : a journey to the future beyond 2024 |
Material Type: | ISU Team Project report |
Publisher: | Illkirch-Graffenstaden (France) : International Space University, 2017 |
Format: | 1 electronic resource (x, 85 p.) / col. ill. |
Bibliography note: | Includes bibliographical references |
Languages: | English |
Class number: | TL797 |
Subjects: | International Space Station (Space stations) ; International Space Station--Research ; Space industrialization |
Keywords: | Spaceports |
Description: | The objective of this project is to propose and develop a technically, economically, socially, and politically feasible scenario to repurpose the ISS beyond 2024. This Team Project proposes an extension of life meant to inspire the next generations, develop innovative technologies, and enable groundbreaking research for humankind. To achieve these goals, a future where the economic and technological trends that we are seing today keep unfolding is assumed. With this assumption in mind, the project proposed to split the ISS into two independent space stations, and repurpose them respectively into an International Research Facility and an International Spaceport. |
Contents note: | 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. defining options 4. Scenario development and options 5. Case study 6. Conclusions 7. References |
ISU program : | Space Studies Program |
Format : | Open Access |
Permalink: | https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10149 |
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