Title: | Lifeline for the ISS and Future Tethers (LIFT) |
Material Type: | ISU Team Project report |
Publisher: | Illkirch-Graffenstaden (France) : International Space University, 2018 |
Format: | 1 electronic resource (xiii, 129 p.) / col. ill. |
Bibliography note: | Includes bibliographical references |
Languages: | English |
Class number: | TL798.T47 |
Subjects: | Space stations ; Tethered satellites ; Tethered space vehicles |
Description: | "One promising possibility is the re-use of the ISS as part of a 6500 km tether system from LEO to MEO. This presents an interesting synergy with questions of the ISS’s future and would serve as an ideal first demonstration of such a large space tether system. By virtue of broad public support, capacity for human occupation and with existing applications, the use of the ISS inherently relieves many of the general obstacles that face tether projects. While this concept does introduce new obstacles, primarily driven by the value of the ISS and its current deorbiting date sometime in the 2020s, these issues are resolvable and the potential benefits of such a project can justify the effort needed to do so. A well designed ISS tether system, incorporating several aspects examined for the use of tether systems, could aid in many problems, both for the development of tether systems and for the future of space activities. With this in mind, a suggested preliminary requirements list was defined for an ISS tether system; incorporating the recommendations developed for large tether systems." |
Contents note: | 1. Introduction 2. Justification for tether projects 3. Analysis of obstacles 4. International Space Station reuse 5. Conclusions and recommendations References |
ISU program : | Master of Space Studies |
Format : | Open Access |
Permalink: | https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10466 |
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