Title: | The space radiation environment |
Authors: | Christoph M. Noldeke, Author |
Material Type: | book |
Publisher: | Berlin : epubli, 2017 |
ISBN / ISSN / EAN : | 978-3-7450-4223-8 |
Format: | 279 p. / col. ill. / 24 cm |
Bibliography note: | Includes bibliographical references and index |
Languages: | English |
Class number: | TL3250 |
Subjects: | Coronal mass ejections ; Cosmic magnetic fields ; Extraterrestrial radiation ; Galactic cosmic rays ; Solar energetic particles ; Solar flares ; Space vehicles--Effect of space environment on ; Space vehicles--Electronic equipment |
Description: | This book gives an overview of the physics of the Earth's environment and of interplanetary space as they interact with energetic particles of solar and galactic origin and describes the methods to asses the impact of radiation on spacecraft and spaceborne electronics. |
Format : | In print |
Permalink: | https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=11043 |
Holdings (1)
Barcode | Call number | Section | Status | Donated by | Digital bookplate |
013742 | TL3250 N64 2017 | Main collection | Available |