Title: | Agriculture and nutrition for a permanent settlement on Mars |
Material Type: | ISU Team Project report |
Publisher: | Illkirch-Graffenstaden (France) : International Space University, 2021 |
Format: | 1 electronic resource (xv, 91 p.) / col. ill. |
Bibliography note: | Includes bibliographical references |
Languages: | English |
Subjects: | Agriculture ; Astronauts--Nutrition ; Mars (Planet) ; Mars (Planet)--Colonization--Forecasting ; Martian base ; Nutrition in space ; Space colonization |
Description: | In this report, the team investigate the feasibility of setting up an agricultural system for a permanent Martian settlement. Although there are similarities, the Moon and Mars have very different environments, and therefore they have vastly differing agriculture requirements. Nevertheless, the team believes the Moon will prove to be an excellent testing ground for these systems. |
Contents note: | 1.Introduction 2. Human factors and needs 3. Science farming on Mars 4. Engineering and technology of the Base 5. Cost estimates and business opportunities 6. Cost estimates and business opportunities 7. Legal, political and ethical considerations 8. Terrestrial applications 9. Proposal and recommendations 10. Conclusion 11. References 12. Appendices |
ISU program : | Space Studies Program |
Format : | Open Access |
Permalink: | https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=11353 |
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