Shrouded by the thick clouds of a hot, dense atmosphere, the planet Venus -Earth's close neighbor in space- remained mysterious until recent decades. Today, with a new data from sophisticated contemporary observatories and from Russian and American spacecraft, Venus has moved into sharper focus. This comprehensive book provides the most up-to-date and detailed analysis available of the nature of Venus. The authors, distinguished experts in planetary science from Russia and the United States, examine all the principal aspects of Venus, with particular attention paid to the planet's formation, the development of a runaway greenhouse effect, and Venus' evolution into a planet completely different from the others in our solar system.
Integrating data from Galileo, Magellan, Pioneer-Venus, Venera, and other space missions, this book summarizes the history of research on Venus, covers the atmosphere, geomorphology, and tectonic history of the planet, and considers its geology. The authors offer various theories to explain evolutionary processes in the solar system and to unveil such mysteries as Venus' slow retrograde rotation, its lack of magnetic field, and its bizarre atmospheric dynamics. Unique illustrations include high-quality images of Venus' surface, some obtained by Soviet spacecraft and never before printed in English-language publications.