Remote sensing and GIS are technologies for the new millennium. This book brings together some of the most recent developments in these complimentary fields, with a particular emphasis on mathematical techniques and their application. The range of techniques covered includes fuzzy classification, artificial neural networks, geostatistical techniques (such as kriging, cokriging, stochastic simulation and regularization), texture classification, fractals, per-parcel classification, raster and vector data integration and process modelling. The range of applications includes land cover and land use mapping, cloud tracking, snow cover mapping and air temperature monitoring, topographic mapping, geological classification and soil erosion modelling.
This book will be valuable for both researchers and advanced students of remote sensing and GIS. It contains several new approaches, recent developments and novel applications of existing techniques. Most chapters report the results of experiment and investigation. Some chapters form broad reviews of recent developments in the field. In all cases the mathematical basis is explained fully.