Title: | Space and surface power for the space exploration initiative : results from Project Outreach |
Authors: | Calvin Shipbaugh, Author |
Material Type: | eBook |
Publisher: | Santa Monica, CA : The RAND Corporation, 1992 |
Series: | A Rand note |
Format: | xxiii, 94 p. / ill. / 28 cm |
Bibliography note: | "Rand library collection"--Label on cover./ Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-94). |
Languages: | English |
Class number: | TL1100 |
Subjects: | Electricity in astronautics ; Extraterrestrial bases ; Space Exploration Initiative (U.S.) ; Space vehicles--Auxiliary power supply |
Description: | This Note describes the findings of the Space and Surface Power panel, one of eight project panels evaluating submissions to the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) Outreach Program, or Project Outreach. The submissions screened by the Space and Surface Power panel proposed systems that can be classified into at least one of five technical areas: (1) power generation (solar power, nuclear power, fuel cells, batteries, and "other"), (2) power transmission, (3) energy storage, (4) thermal management, and (5) handling. |
Format : | Open Access |
Access: | http://www.rand.org/pubs/notes/N3280.html |
Permalink: | https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=8281 |