Title: | Seven years to Luna 9 (The Soviet program for lunar and planetary probes) : Summer 1966:15-14-1 |
Authors: | James D. Burke, Author |
Material Type: | report |
Publisher: | Pasadena, CA : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Californinan Institute of Technology, 1966 |
Series: | NASA JPL |
Format: | 1 electronic file (24 p.) / ill. |
Bibliography note: | The item is a handout material from Jim Burke's "JPL Stories" talk of June 7, 2001, sponsored by the JPL Library, entitled "First to the Moon! Ranger and Luna."/ The items are: list of Robotic Lunar Missions, 1960-66; "Personal Profile," Spaceflight, April 1984; "Seven Years to Luna 9," Studies in Intelligence, Summer 1966; "The Missing Link," unknown publication, Winter 1978. |
Languages: | English |
Subjects: | Lunar probes ; Moon ; NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Ranger lunar probes ; Soviet spacecraft ; United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
Permalink: | https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=8792 |
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