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Bruce Battrick, Editor ; L. Conroy, Editor ; European Space Agency, Editor ; European Space Research and Technology Centre, ESTEC, Editor ; ESTEC, Editor ; Proceedings of the concluding workshop of the extended ESA history project (2005 : ESA Headquarters, Paris), Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA SP | 2005Andrew Wilson, Editor ; European Space Agency, Editor ; European Commission, Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA BR | 2005Barbara Warmbein, Editor ; European Space Agency, Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA SP | 2005Barbara Warmbein, Editor ; European Space Agency, Editor ; New space services for maritime users symposium 2005 : Paris, France., Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA SP | 2005Bruce Battrick, Editor ; European Space Agency, Editor ; nternational Symposium on artificial intelligence, robotics and automation in space, Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA SP | 2005Dorothea Danesy, Editor ; Walter Flury, Editor ; Heiner Klinkrad, Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA BR | 2005Huguette Sawaya-Lacoste, Editor ; European Space Agency, Editor ; European Space Research and Technology Centre, ESTEC, Editor ; ESTEC. International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, Editor ; United States, Editor ; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Editor ; IAASS conference (1st 2005 : Nice, France), Editor | [S.l.] : European Space Agency | ESA SP | 2005